As with all youth work, detached youth work uses the principles and practice of informal education to engage young people in a constructive dialogue about their needs, interests, concerns and lifestyles to support them in their personal and social development. Unlike centre-based provision, detached youth work takes place in ‘non-institutional’ settings, spaces young people have much more control over. Primarily, but not exclusively, the work takes place in the street, but also in parks, cafés, shopping centres, and other spaces young people have chosen to be. This makes it accessible to young people who are unlikely to attend building-based provision
Following on from the ‘Think it Through’ Detached youthwork Project we aim to deliver more focused issue based work and informal educational group work working with young people to help them move on to the next stage of their life. ‘Moving on ‘ project would build on the good relationships already formed with young people their families and local stakeholders. Engaging with new young people to be able to develop more work with them and support them with educational and employment support.
We aim to offer specific and bespoke group work sessions to young women aged 13- 19 years on a weekly basis engaging new young women into the programme whilst still supporting the young women already known to us.
Girls Time would offer issue-based work on crime and consequences, self -esteem, substance and alcohol misuse, sexual health, relationships, and family life. Citizenship, education, employment, awareness will be the golden thread throughout all dialogue with the young women.
We aim to offer a young men’s project in a way we now know that they will engage, learning from phase one of the project via the ‘In a Man’s World ‘Project. The aim will be to offer an activity and a short issue-based session in an informal setting such as a café or at the climbing centre. This will be aimed at young men aged 13- 19yrs. We aim to develop dialogue with young men on the issues that affect them such as criminal exploitation, crime and consequences, self-esteem peer pressure, drug abuse, family issues, relationships and what it is like to be a man.
To all young men and women, we meet on the streets we will offer access to both gender projects. As part of the gender specific projects we will work with other agencies ie. Anthony Walker project, ddaction and the Street Doctors to compliment the work we do.
We will deliver:
- Youth Diversion and outreach (including provision of safe spaces for young people to meet)
- Targeted Interventions with at risk young people
- Local Education initiatives (especially workforce development, Criminal Exploitation and online grooming awareness)
- All staff will be trained in safeguarding and have basic training on adverse childhood experiences
- Young people will be engaged will have more education and awareness around the consequences of crime on their lives, their families, the victims, and the community
- Young women will be engaged and gain awareness of the issues that affect them including sexual health and relationships, drug and alcohol abuse and self-esteem
- Young men will have positive engagement and be able to discuss issues pertinent to them such as peer pressure, relationships, drug and alcohol misuse
- Young people will be more aware of equality and the effects of racism on the victims and the wider community
- Young people will be aware of what CE is and have support to be able to keep away or move away from it.
- Young people can access counselling services in their own communities avoiding long waiting lists and have easier access
- The community will feel the presence of positive work happening with young people – e.g. young people engaged in community events, litter picks and positive activities
- Young people will have the opportunity to gain qualifications via their engagement